How Long Do CEREC Crowns Last? - Cerec Tips - Cerec Dentists

How Long Do CEREC Crowns Last?

  How Long Do CEREC Crowns Last? If you’re considering getting a CEREC crown, one of the most common questions you might have is about its lifespan. Here’s everything you need to know about how long CEREC crowns last and how to prolong their lifespan. Table of Contents Average Lifespan of CEREC Crowns Factors Influencing the Lifespan of CEREC Crowns …

Understanding CEREC Crowns: An Innovative Dental Solution - Cerec Tips - Cerec Dentist

Understanding CEREC Crowns: An Innovative Dental Solution

Understanding CEREC Crowns: An Innovative Dental Solution When it comes to dental restorations, technology has made significant strides in recent years. One of the most remarkable advancements is the introduction of CEREC crowns. Let’s delve into the world of CEREC crowns and explore why they are becoming a popular choice for both dentists and patients. How Many CEREC Crowns Are …

Capturing Multiple Bite Registrations in Cerec Workflows - Cerec Tips - Cerec Docs

Maximizing Efficiency with Multiple Bite Registrations in Cerec Workflows

Maximizing Efficiency with Multiple Bite Registrations in Cerec Workflows Managing complex dental procedures often requires adaptability and the ability to pivot as needed. With Cerec’s advanced technology, dentists can leverage the power of multiple bite registrations to optimize their workflow for various dental procedures. But why is capturing two different bite registrations beneficial, and how can you effectively utilize this …

Should you Air Abrade the Tibase on a Cerec Implant Crown? - Cerec Tips - Cerec Docs

Should you Air Abrade the Tibase on a Cerec Implant Crown?

The Truth About Air Abrading A Tibase When it comes to dealing with tibases, a common question that often arises among dentists is, “should I air abrade a tibase before cementing an implant crown to it?” This blog post aims to answer this query based on existing studies and best practices. Understanding the Tibase Firstly, it’s essential to grasp the …

The Growing Popularity and Benefits of Cerec Same-Day Crowns - Cerec Dentists

The Growing Popularity and Benefits of CEREC Same-Day Crowns

The Growing Popularity and Benefits of CEREC Same-Day Crowns In a world where time is often short, dental treatments like crowns can feel like an inconvenient necessity. Traditional methods involve multiple dentist visits and long waiting times for labs to craft your crowns. Enter CEREC, a revolutionary technology that’s changing the landscape of dental restorations. The Rapid Expansion of CEREC …